- Worship is a very important part of the life of our church body,
so we will make every effort to remain open for our worship services.
- We will always trust you to make your own decision about
getting out and traveling in inclement weather.
- However, if we do have a heavy snowfall or other severe
weather conditions over the course of a weekend, you will be
notified via PHONE TREE about the cancellation of services/
activities at the church. This will occur as soon as possible and
within sufficient time so that all parties involved have the
necessary time to make their plans. You can also check WYMY
News 2 or WXII 12 for updates about possible closures.
- If there are no cancellations then no call will be made and
services/activities will occur at their normal times.
- Every effort will be made to ensure that the church parking lot
and walkways have been cleaned and free of snow and ice.
- In any case, we encourage everyone to make the best decisions
about their safety even if the services/activities will be running
as scheduled.